I listened to his pathetic home recording (the so-called "show") Nr.56 where he bitched about his failure of a "show", even about his few listeners, lol. It was really sad.
This piece of shit scammer isn't even able to endure his life without alcohol anymore.
How long will poor pussyboy Gunwitch keep recording himself at home where he lives with his mama?
Of course you're not an alcoholic. You just "don't want" to stop drinking regularly at home and by yourself.
You could.
You just "don't want" to.
There's a big difference between hate and contempt.
A difference you desperately try to ignore.
For a reason, pussyboy, for a reason. ;-)
Contempt is an intense feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless
to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward
Contempt in this situation is nothing more than an ego defence because i already put you in your place.
How many days have you been out this summer?
Got myself the best tan in years, add to that, im near the best shape of my life to, how about that
Best tan in years - is this (by any chance) the same year you only just survived a heart attack, Gun?
The same year you "decided" that you can't stop drinking after your heart attack?
But in your fantasy world you are definitely not an alcoholic.
See? That's why
hate me Gunner: because I tell you the truth.
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What relevance does a heart attack have to a sun tan?
I drink sometimes, everybody knows this
Do me a favour and stop listening to my show. You and everybody else on this site are like scorned jealous women who can't leave me alone. You just can't stay away. Your good for my ratings though so im thankful for that
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Are you drunk again?
Gun, this is PUAHATE.
are posting
can't stay away.
And I'll tell you why you are here, Gunner:
Because your forum is dead.
Because you ban everybody from your forum who isn't a complete clown so you can live in your own little alcohol dazed fantasy world.
Because you want to escape reality.
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Nobody's talking about you, you pathetic and delusional failure of a pussyboy.
In fact I'm the only one talking
you - out of pity for you.
So tell me, princess:
Are you the pathetic clown who is constantly begging for money and desperately trying to scam people?
Are you the pathetic clown who spends his whole life in pathetic PUA chat rooms / playing Warcraft?
Are you the pathetic clown whose only woman in his life is his mama?
Are you the pathetic clown who is trying to drown his shitty life in alcohol?
Does the truth hurt, Gunwitch?
Now go and "produce" another lame home recording for us, my little dancing monkey.
Dance, monkey, dance!
Just don't forget to beg for some money afterwards, you poor little alcoholic.
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More promotion for my site, i couldn't be happier
Go out, meet some chicks, have some drinks, enjoy whats left of summer, or your gonna be couped up in your house in the winter in a few months wishing you went outside